You are given the ability to order your squad-mates around using a complex but unwieldy command system. The game is merciful enough to provide a saving option and allows you to switch between characters, meaning that you can die up to four times. You suit your four-man team with realistic gear and head out.

After running the training gauntlet, each mission starts with a briefing video that details your objectives and tactical issues marvelously. But make no mistake, this game is nothing like your standard WW2 shooter. Most of H&D’s missions can be accomplished with guns blazing, and indeed a great many levels involve storming German points head-on. Stealth is recommended but not always necessary. As part of a four-man team, you’re routinely tasked with wiping out entire German garrisons, capturing high-ranking officers, planting explosives and stealing documents. The levels are extremely varied and so are the mission objectives. The game spans the entire length of the Second World War, including hotspots in North Africa, Norway, Central Europe, Burma and even a Nazi castle hidden high in the Austrian Alps.

Hidden and Dangerous 2 is a stealth-based shooter that lets you control a team of British commandos from either first-person or third-person perspectives. Wonderfully authentic levels offset by a few bad stealth missions.